downloaded music

Discussion in 'Audio' started by rtrev64, Aug 25, 2005.

  1. rtrev64

    rtrev64 Guest

    I downloaded a song and wanted to edit it but it is protected so therefore I can't do that. I am doing a video project of mine and no I am not selling anything for any money just a fun project. How could get that protected song and do what I want with it...? I guess convert it from a wma to a mp3 or wav..
  2. jamal23

    jamal23 Member

    Feb 15, 2005
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    what program do you use to edit songs?
  3. rtrev64

    rtrev64 Guest

    I have cool edit pro and all the other basic stuff like-real player etc...

    I tried with cool edit pro but it would not accept it because it was protected.

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