Downloading a DIV X file

Discussion in 'DivX / XviD' started by DrSadad, Apr 3, 2004.

  1. DrSadad

    DrSadad Member

    Mar 8, 2004
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    I have a file that I am downloading from the net and according to emule it has parts that cannot be downloaded, because they are red in colour. Is there a way to salvage the files I already have and convert them. They are XXX.part.met files.
  2. shiroh

    shiroh Guest

    i know emule downloads by parts. but i'm not sure know how they put up the parts. if you're lucky that they only split the file and the part contains only the header for self combine then you're in luck.

    there is 2 way. first get a programme called "extractor" its free. and search for avi or whatever relevant.

    the second way is a more geeky way. use hexeditor. open up a known avi file with the same compression and look at its hex header and footer. copy it and do a search on the emule d/l file. do the same with footer.
    now you delete all the things above the header and below the footer. and walah you get your avi.

    note that this the methods of extracting PS2 movie files.

    good luck
  3. DrSadad

    DrSadad Member

    Mar 8, 2004
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    Thanks for the response. I'll try it.

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