theres this video clip that i want to download from a site so i can burn it to a cd but everytime i try to save target as it makes me save it as a HTML Document.. usually when i do do save target as it usually goes to a Windows media audio/video file but for some strange reason i cant do it anymore any help?
More information would be needed. A site URL and what you are trying to download. Save Target As... only works with files that are transfered by HTTP protocol and only when the URL directly links to the file. Since most media is [bold]streamed[/bold] using MMS or RTSP protocol and is accessed by redirector URL's and stream URL's, you need to use other methods and software. Click the link below and start reading. The FAQ is a great place to start.
just an url that ends in .wmv or .asf , etc. alternately, if u are using firefox, u cud rigth click > view page info. under media, look for a video url. then enter that url into a download manager and it will download from the site