My brother is a huge Beck fan and so wants to save this particular show: However, I don't seem to be able to find a direct link to the actual file which would enable me to download the stream. Any idea?
Hiya, The link you require is: rtsp://"00:00:45"&end="00:57:20" 13 Megs.. With streambox you may have to stop & restart if the download times out & cannot re-connect... Have Fun...
Thank you very much. Trying now. [edit: Unfortunately no luck. For some reason it's simply not picked up by it.]
Hmmm.. Problem at your end I think, as I have got the file on my desktop now, and it plays all the way through.. Check your Streambox. Have Fun...
Are you using the SMF+Turbo version from Streambox VCR Suite 2.0? You need to use the SMF+turbo or SMF+ versions for many RTSP streams. StreamBox VCR does not support start and end times so the stream URL can be shortend to. rtsp:// Many ISP's cause problems for recording software, probably because they use some for of data caching. Using alternate ports rather than the standard RTSP port of 554, can often get around this problem. RTSP using HTTP port 80. rtsp:// RTSP using PNA-PNM port 7070. rtsp:// Other streaming media recording software. All this info and more at the link below. Start with the FAQ's.
Ah, good point Veblin I sometimes forget that not everyone keeps up to date with their software versions, my bad !LOL! Hmmm.. I dropped it into my streambox, complete with start & end times, and it quite happily downloaded it - maybe I was lucky! Have Fun...
StreamBox VCR just ignores start and end times in RTSP stream URL's. It will just record the entire file and not just the part from start="00:00:45"&end="00:57:20" The only recorders that use start and end times are OEP-OEE, Offline Explorer Pro & Enterprise or R7C Real7ime Converter. OEP-OEE doesn't work with quotes around the time. Change to. rtsp:// R7C works with or without quotes.
Quote: The link you require is: rtsp://"00:00:45"&end="00:57:20" Call me stupid but how did you decode that link?
There are several different ways. You can look at the source code of the player and find the redirector URL. You can then download the redirector and open it in Notepad or any other text editor. Or you can view-source:redirector. Either one will show the stream URL. Or you can use URL Snooper or Packet Sniffer software to find either the redirector URL or the stream URL. Like it said before. All this info and more at the link below. Start with the FAQ's.