HI, was hoping someone coulld give me some help. My problem is this: I currently have a generic hard disk recorded installed downstairs in my house and am subscribed to movies and the HD subscription of which i am very happy to pay for (rhymes with fly HD but not sure if can mention names on here!!!!) Anyway the problem is my provider wants an additonal £199.00 off me to install a second box upstairs and an extra £20.00 a month on top for box and additioanl HD subscription. Expensive!!!! So, can i install a dreambox upstairs to recieve my channels upstairs just like a multiroom box, and will i have to spilt both of the cables connected to the downstairs box so the feed runs into both boxes at the same time? Can this be done? I can easily have an internet connection connected to the dreambox upstairs and can spilt the current feed upstairs if required. I also have a VM feed runing upstairs giving me internet access. Would i be better of getting a motorised dish to recieve extra channels and is it worth it? What are my options? What box is best? Can i make use of both the VM feed and Fly feed at the same time? Nagra3 will put an end to this though surely so Eurovox not an option. Do i need a seperate card for the dreambox upstairs or would i have to keep swapping from downstairs to upstairs when required? Very new at this so trying to do loads of reading. Any links would be appreciated. Thanks In advance and apologies if already answered somewhere.
you need to disconnect your sly hd box and replace it with dreambox, you also need to put a dreambox upstaies. both would need to be HD so you are looking at the DM500HD or DM800HD. so two of these boxes at approx 400Euro each comes to the tidy sum of 800euro you would have to invest. in return you have to update box every so often and if sly manage to stop you sharing you have boxes that aint much use to you. also you lose things like recording, series linking and a pretty cool tv guide that sly produce.