Hi, had starview and nthell, when it went down got rid of nthell ans got sly....full package. Its good but expensive, no selotanta though. Heard bout sharing birthday Cards! will a dream box help me do this? What happens if I plug a DB into the sly signal? all help will be thanked loads.
you will just get free to air channels , you need to use google will help you out with the other thing cant be discussed here
where would one look if they wanted to diy multi room sly at home. and what kind of box ect would one use?
quad lnb, cable and a satellite receiver in each room that will give you free to air in four rooms so you can watch a different channel, quad lnb €30, satellite receiver €120 for the 4 , cable €25 try adverts.ie normallypick stuff upcheap enough if your in dublin