can any one help me i bought a dreambox 500c six weeks ago it was OK at first but has now locked up it will not respond to the remote or the standby button it just shows a green light and nothing on the screen i have unplugged it and left it over night but still no response i bought it on line and was told it was not a fake but now the seller has gone i hope my £115.00 hasn't if anyone can help me can you tell me what cables and software i will need and where to get it many thanks steve
I have been on the dreambox site and this seems to be a official box. I emailed them saturday and gave them the SN number i am now waiting for them to reply but still no joy with box so i still need your help thanks steve
thanks for that box running ok now turns out box is fake but i got hold of the seller and he sent me a file by e-mail down loaded dreamup put in the file and its ok now thanks again thought id lost my money steve