Hi guys, i have been given a dreambox 500s by a mate which has all the s*y channels open. If i buy another dreambox 500s, and cloned the image will it work? will the c/s server notice 2 logins with same user name? My friend does pay for this service and he asked me to look into it and if i could getit going we would split his sub cost, but hopefully the trader wont find out.. thanks.
i read that, some companies/suppliers cancell your c/line sub if they notice the c/line has been configured in 2 boxes.
yep if you use more than one box on a cline without prior consent then the line will be banned which stops 1 sub beeing paid and hundreds of people using the 1 line.
i'm sure the server is also hosted by the trader who gave the box in the first place. So to confirm using image clone software for clone box only, get a copy of the working box image, flash to my 'new' box.. this may or may not work? are usernames specific and if 2 log in at the same time, this would upset the server.. thanks..
when the box connects to the c/s sub, does the server get the mac address of that box? just curious to know, cos surely they must keep a track of it by the mac address?
that was my initial thought, if so the clone boxes can have the mac changed, so could even cone that?
last time i tried to change a mac address was on sv combo box, did manage to change mac on box, but couldnt get that box to connect again...thankfully i was lucky cos the supplier accepted the box back.
what in heavens name would a server need a mac address for. to switch a box on/off certainly does not require any such information. wow,
nope. user/pass and ip cover the total. you cannot connect to the same server with the same /user/pass. if you connect to a server from a different location with the same user/pass the results are obvious and up to your server as to what they want to do about it. mac address is of no consequence. masking ip is interesting but let me put it this way. why would you mask to a trusted server. you share because YOU TRUST, it is easy to see when trust is being let down
nope. user/pass and ip cover the total. you cannot connect to the same server with the same /user/pass. if you connect to a server from a different location with the same user/pass the results are obvious and up to your server as to what they want to do about it. mac address is of no consequence. masking ip is interesting but let me put it this way. why would you mask to a trusted server. you share because YOU TRUST, it is easy to see when trust is being let down