hello, i got a dreambox 600 the other day. it had some preinstalled image on it that had my provider (chor*s mmds) preinstalled on it. i was only getting about 90 channels on it. i installed the gemini 4.3 .nfi file onto my dreambox , now when i try to do an automatic scan chor*s mmds is no longer visible. i think the problem is with the terrestrial.xml file because when i do an automatic scan it gives me providers for australia and uk but not ireland. Could someone provideme with the correct terrestrial.xml because at the moment i cant get any channels now. Alternatively: I have downloaded dw2.0 , this is a .img file. can someone provide me with a step by step guide to putting this on my dreambox as i hear that this will have the chor*s details and apparently is the best image. thanking you!
The dw2.0 image is for a dreambox 500 and not for the 600 series. Go to manual scan at the gemini image, type 234000 for frequency, enable BAT ONIT Network search and start the scan. Btw maximum for chorus mmds is around 85 tv channels.
Hi, Just out of curiousity, how is the Dreambox working out with Cho*us MMDS ? was it easy to install and where did you purchase it ?