Dreambox vs DBox? Which is better?

Discussion in 'Digital TV - United States & Canada' started by tracie212, Feb 18, 2007.

  1. tracie212

    tracie212 Guest

    Is one more reliable than the other?
  2. scruff666

    scruff666 Member

    Feb 6, 2007
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    dboxes are at least 5 years old, dreamboxes are brand new.
    buying 2nd hand is always a risk.

    there are people that moan about weak tuners in dreamboxes but an slx1 booster from b&q 8.99 will sort that out.

    (side issue the 3 minute rule between posts is annoying to say the least)

  3. tracie212

    tracie212 Guest

    Will Dreamboxes last forever and are they easy to install? I can't do anything technical and the sort of questions I see on this site really scare me-Does nothing really work unless you are a technical expert?
  4. dc69

    dc69 Regular member

    Feb 6, 2007
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    to be honest if you are not technically i minded i wouldnt bother.i would go for the starview.much easier for a begginer to set up and update.does preety much the same thing
  5. tracie212

    tracie212 Guest

    But I was told that you just need to plug it in :) Starview has a bad reputation, so why recommend it?
  6. scruff666

    scruff666 Member

    Feb 6, 2007
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    dreambox isn't plug and go but it's not far off once the image is on it.
  7. tracie212

    tracie212 Guest

    How does one get the image on?
  8. zappp64

    zappp64 Regular member

    Oct 13, 2005
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    you ask the correct people, as for images, I have a large collection of them and also with testings I have done I now know which image is stable with which box, so if you need a specific one, let me know.
  9. tracie212

    tracie212 Guest

    I just need someone to put in a new tuner. I've been told that takes 4-5 weeks and is very dangerous engineering work!
  10. zappp64

    zappp64 Regular member

    Oct 13, 2005
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    who said it was dangerous, who ever said that thinkgs it like replacing a nuclear rod in a nuclear reactor. all it is is simple soldeiering and anyone with a bit of soldering experience can do it.
  11. tracie212

    tracie212 Guest

    Hi Zappp
    That's what I thought! He made it sound literally like rocket science. Yet these guys offered a 2 year guarantee in their ads. Yeah-Just like a T Shirt is unshrinkable until you wash it ! I feel totally cheated by them.
    Now I'm ringing round DBox sellers in London but they all sound even dodgier! I just want to someone to fit it for me!
  12. zappp64

    zappp64 Regular member

    Oct 13, 2005
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    I have a circle of friends with various skils (mechanics, electrictions etc) and as they saying goes scratch my back and I will scratch yours, I help them out with computer problems and their dbox and they help me out with my car and other stuff, do you know anyone in your family or friends or anyone your family or friends know who can solder, as it till be a 30 minute job to get a new tuner soldered one.
  13. tracie212

    tracie212 Guest

    Hi Zappp
    I don't know anyone who can do that, especially with a machine like aDBox. I just expected that the people I bought it from would solve a problem like this.
  14. zappp64

    zappp64 Regular member

    Oct 13, 2005
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    I suspect the people who you purchased the dbox off will buy a bulk from germany slap on extra 30 quid and sell it on, and as they have no knowledge of how to fix them, if they break down they will just get it shipped off to germany to be sorted and you are sort of in the middle here... sorry to hear all the problems you are having.
  15. tracie212

    tracie212 Guest

    I don't even think it's the tuner anyway. I've been ringing loads of people this morning (Unfortunately all up north just like you!) and they reckon it's impossible to break a tuner just by banging the DBox against the wall
    Is it too risky to phone up a TV engineer from the Yellow Pages and get him to fix it? Or even ask Virgin Media ?
  16. zappp64

    zappp64 Regular member

    Oct 13, 2005
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    How did you know it was the tuner that was knackered, what problems or messages did you get on the dbox, how did you deduce the tuner was the issue - also what make of DBox was it - Sagem or Nokia
  17. tracie212

    tracie212 Guest

    That's the point, Zappp ! I can't be certain it's the tuner. In fact, I don't think it is. I have a NokiaDBox2, knocked it slightly against the wall, NTL wire snapped off, so I bought a new F Plug. Now they tell me the message "Timing not found" means that it needs a new tuner. I think that's crazy. If only there were a guy in london who could look at it for me. I am sick of this ridiculous BS where people who are given guarantees are then told it cannot be fixed without a nuclear weapons factory being built in Dusseldorf. It's BS
  18. zappp64

    zappp64 Regular member

    Oct 13, 2005
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    which part of London are you, as I travel to London on a regular basis due to my job (I have an office in Tower 42 as well as up north in Yorkshire)... do you have the box with you or is that with the peron whom you purchased the box from ?
  19. tracie212

    tracie212 Guest

    That would be great if I could meet you down in London. I have been crying about this for over a wek-It started on the day it snowed and I nearly broke my arm trying to carry it up and down my road to fix the F Plug. And then THIS happened. Yet the same guys advertise a so-called Repair Service that fixes anything and everything to do with DBoxes.
    I've sent you an email
  20. zappp64

    zappp64 Regular member

    Oct 13, 2005
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    where have you sent the email then....

    I will need to check my schedule when I am next in London.

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