Drive D: (FAT32) does not support single files 4 GB

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by THFS, Jun 1, 2004.

  1. THFS

    THFS Member

    Jun 1, 2004
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    I purchased a DVD burner last night, and I thought I'd get myself prepared for when it arrives. I downloaded DVD Decrypter, and it appears that my D: drive (the only one I can use for DVDs) can't support any files larger than 4GB. Is there anything I can do so that I can back up DVDs larger than 4GB?

    This is my first post and I'm totally new to DVD writing, so please go easy on me.
  2. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    Howdy THFS, Welcome to our little Club :D)

    Convert from FAT32 to NTFS it's better easier and a snap to do -

    This baby is called Partition Magic 8, it will convert your HD file system in seconds and you'll be right as rain -

  3. THFS

    THFS Member

    Jun 1, 2004
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    Does this actually modify any files, or something else? I'm a little cautious, as my computer seems prone to mess up with the smallest problem. Basically, I just want to know if it modifies the files.

    Thanks for your help.
  4. Veblin

    Veblin Active member

    Feb 27, 2003
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    What version of Windows are you using?

    Windows XP/2000/NT can use NTFS or FAT file systems.
    Windows 98/ME can only use FAT file systems.

    Versions of Windows that can use NTFS have a built in converter or you can use Partition Magic.
    You could convert a drive to NTFS on Windows 98/ME with Partition Magic but the Operating system will not be able to use the drive unless you buy a NTFS utility.

    One of the biggest problems when people make a upgrade from Win98-ME to WinXP is they skip the part at the beginning where there is the option to convert their drives from FAT or FAT32 to NTFS before installing WinXP.

    NTFS file system is what you should be using on XP.
    The only reason to continue to use a FAT or FAT32 file system is if you are also running another OS like Win98-ME or Linux on that computer.

    Even after installing WinXP you can convert your FAT or FAT 32 drives to NTFS.
    Open Help and Support and search for Convert NTFS to get complete directions.
    Click Start - Run and type.
    Convert C: /FS:NTFS

    Before you make the conversion to NTFS.
    It is a good idea to both defragment the drive and run a error check fixing both file system errors and recovery of bad sectors.
    Right click on your drive and select Properties and these options are on the Tools tab.

    If you have Windows 98/ME see this.
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]The best information on streaming media recording.
    The Streaming Media Recording Forum.[/small]
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2004
  5. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Veblin has pointed out that in order to have an NTFS file system you must also have an operating sytem to support it. If you're not using Window 2000, XP, or Windows NT, you are going to have to upgrade your operating system, period! You can purchase an upgrade verion of Win 2K or XP that will allow you to save your original settings but take it from me, a non-upgrade full clean install on a clean reformated disk is better.
  6. THFS

    THFS Member

    Jun 1, 2004
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    I have XP, so I can have NTFS. I'll defrag on Friday, as that's the only time I can leave my computer on and not be at home.

    Thanks for your help everyone, this place is great.
  7. baabaa

    baabaa Active member

    Jan 7, 2003
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    The limit may only cause you problems if you are going to be image creating, as the images usually spann over >4Gb and will therefore generate several files.....

    The issue of >4Gb only relates to Per file and not total folder size, therefore you can utilise the FAT32 structure without converting your hd.

    I used ME for a couple of years with FAT32 and had no issues - except images and I believe lots of users still do....

    However, as you and the others have pointed out - using XP it is better to convert to the NTFS format, you will notice the difference - I run XP now with NTFS.....and have great success and reliabiltiy......

    Partition Magic is a powerful program and very easy to use, if you still have unallocated disc space, then you could use diskpart (within DOS, XP) - but beware that program can mess everything up as it is quite cumbersome..........go for partition magic....
  8. THFS

    THFS Member

    Jun 1, 2004
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    That's the thing, I'm going to be creating images. I just read in another thread that if an image is over 4GB it will generate two and an MDS file, which is the file you burn. Does that mean I'm in the clear?
  9. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    Here's a little information to help you make up your mind, because FAT32 to NTFS, It’s the right move -

    Ya have FAT32 and the 4 Gig ceiling is killing you right ? You really want to backup your DVD's but your filing system is putting the "Kabash" on you so far -

    Someone has told you, you must change something in OR on your HD and it’s causing you to sweat bullets. It sounds MAJOR. It’s not -

    You haven’t made a backup of your HD for a Long, long, really long time and you’re worried that messing with your HD could ruin the world as you know it. - Well one of theses days you really need to backup your PC but for this operation, you’ll be able to squeek by. Ya know, ya really do need to do that backup thingie (lol). But for now, it’s not a problem. I haven’t ever heard of anyone losing their PC or even a single file -

    No worries mate, you’re just a little bit behind the times is all -

    No trouble converting your HD from FAT32 to NTFS, it’s safe and fast.

    Hey, take a second and learn something about it -

    This is a good place to start, it compares both file systems and their performance -

    (Be sure to check the comparison of the 2 at the bottom of the page) -

    Ok, feel better ? You’re about to be brought into the light -

    This program is called Partition Magic 8 is simple and easy and best of all - you download the trial version so it costs you Nada, Zip, Zilch as in free. (It’s a good thing, right ? Yep, you bet.)

    Ya feel better working in the Command window - No worries either, Check Cozza (a MOD) away back when he was just a member, he will give you the “Skinny” right here -

    That's my 2 cents anyhow -

    Any questions, stop back and we’ll try to help :p)



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