After i burn my dvd it skips in my player from chapter to chapter , the movie is kill bill volume 2. Is there something they have done to the knew dvd,s to create this problem i am usins dvd x copy express.One more thing to add it works in my computer the burned dvd. Please help me someone thank you.
I am having a very similar problem with the exact same movie... of course got Kill Bill vol 2 hot off the shelf, ran home grinning, and started the usual routine... made the decryption was smooth... the encryption was fine as well, and the burning went fine as well... it was a backup without a hitch as far as I know, and tested it immediately in the computer, and it ran no questions asked... when I tested it elsewhere however, that is when the real oddness occured... I tried to play it in my X-box, and while it will start up, it will go through the usual warning screens from the usual sources, and then right as the "Miramax" logo scene where the camera rises across a bay/harbor to look at a lit up evening city scene, that little cinematic never loads... it will load smooth as glass in my computer, but I can't get it to work in any other player (set top box, X-box, or PS2)... I am uncertain as to why it will play fine in my computer and won't give me the time of day past the "blue warning screens"... it's obviously playing, and the burn went correctly since it plays in my computer (on either DVD drive) perfectly fine, but no "set top box" players... I have used the same DVD-R's for quite a while now and never a single hiccup of any kind, and the same burner as well (go with what works after all)... does anyone know if there is something specific that needs to be done to Kill Bill vol. 2 in order for the final backup to play anywhere other than the computer that made it?