recently bought a ds fire card 16g worked fine, now i'm getting this error message "not format" the ds will not connect to the pc nor will the format screen on the ds appear,has anyone out there got any input as to how to fix this problem ??
Im not too sure what you mean but try delete 1 or 2 games from the card as you might not have enough memory to create the save file
or one of the games you where trying to run locked out the device i had this happen when running a nes emulator from a games and music from datel the unit wrote directly to the card and the flash card couldn't be read or formatted in anything.
Hi peoples thanx for your responce the problem I have is that I cant open any game files on ds or pc, as I turn on ds & select fire card error message "not format" appears thats as far as I can get !!!whatever buttons I press I cannot get the format options screen up to full format the ds?????????????????????????????????????