does anyone know if you can download demo's of ds games using wifi? i don't fancy splashing out £25 on a game based purely on a magazine review. thanks in advance !!
If you go to a Toys R' Us or Target you'll probably be able to find a download station that has some. If you're just at home, you'd have to set up wifime, but it's a big hassle and only works with specific hardware.
^^ they don't have either in the UK.. that I know of at least Places like GAME or Dixon's or other electronics stores should have some kind of DS Demo area.. check them out
Toys R Us are in the UK, not all stores have the download stations though. Dixons would not have the download stations as they are more towards TV's, DVD and PC etc, they have games, but not games consoles. Game and Gamestation would be your best bet for a download station in the UK.
We already posted about it being possible... Oh, and EB Games is another US store that has a download station...
Don't forget GameStop.. the place where you get ripped off! (p.s. EB is owned by GameStop now if you didnt know )