Recently my DS green light started flashing and the DS makes a rapid tick, tick sound when I close the screen, it resumes to normal operation when I reopen the screen. I am using a R4DS with a 2 gig card running 1.18. Any idea whats causing this
What are game or app are you running when the green light flashes? The flashing green light can indicate that a wifi connection has been made. R
The flashing green light is normal, it just means the backlight is turned off for power reserve, but i cant think what the ticking would be sorry
The ticking noise is the sound of the speakers turning on and off, which basically means the DS is going in and out of standby very quickly. This used to happen when running games from slot-2 without anything in slot-1 (as the DS needed a bridge between a couple of pins during standby). I would assume this means there is something wrong with your R4, try using an official game (i hope you own at least one) and see if you have the same problem.
Thanks Mr. Hanky, I will try to find an original game and try it out, will report back with the results.
OK this is what seems to have solved the problem. Took out the R4DS took out the micro SD card. Reinserted the micro SD card in the R4DS and made sure it was seated and clicked in. Then inserted R4DS back into the DS. Everything wooks great with no stadby green LED flashing and no ticking sound. I guess the little guy somehow worked the R4DS or micro SD card loose. Thanks to everyone who answered.