I am thinking of buying a DS Light, but before I go threw with such a thing, I need to be able to hack it so I can get me some sweet free games, Im willing to spend a little cash or allot to get it hacked I just need an easy as hell full proof way to do this, so please help this ds nub
Sure, its pretty simple. Heres a guide. 1) Buy flashcart 2) Put roms on flashcart 3) Put flashcart in DS 4) Play roms 5) ??? 6) Profit For the record though, discussion of piracy is not allowed on this forum. You're only supposed to use a flashcart for homebrew and games you already own. And no asking on afterdawn where to download roms.
is there any links for ebay or craigs list near vancouver anyone can give me? maybe something cheaper then 100 bones
can any overly kind good sir give me a link to a cheap thing that will allow me to put any downloaded roms on my ds plzzzzzzz and would this work, and is this site at all trust worthy? http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.21090
Yes. And Yes. Or any of the other flash cards listed on Deal Extreme. Use a DSTT from there myself at $5.93.
Dealextreme is a trustworthy site, but the cart you linked to is an M3 clone. Basically a knockoff. Note where it says M3adaptes, the real ones say M3adapter. It will likely work fine but if something goes wrong you may find you have no support, or future updates to the card may not work.
k well i really appreciate all this help, seriously, you are good peoples, but i have one more question, my computer only has usb slots, does this m3 thing work with a usb slot or do i need a diff thing? and can i get a name plz
The M3 comes with a microSD to USB adapter. So you'll be fine. Just make sure you pick up a quick microSD. I recommend class 6 or higher.
I have no idea what a microSD is. All I need is DS games btw, if you got a link from that site that you think i should get i would be happy to give it a look over
http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.2728 should i purchase this? all i want is something that can transfer ds roms to my ds and its gotta be upgradeable i guess, im not sure why people say thats important, im thinking it so i can play newer games? anyways is this a good moddle for what i wanna do?
Thats the official M3 Real, I have one and its quite good. And a microSD is a very tiny SD card. Virtually all flashcarts use them. All your roms and such go on the microSD and then the microSD goes in the flashcart. If you look at the pictures you can see the slot it goes in. And regular updates are important. From time to time games will be released that dont work on current flashcarts and they require updates to work again.
so your telling me that the picture I linked you is the perfect item for me to purchase. it works with my usb plugin using its sd card, and its upgradeable (plus the rumble pack is cool)
damn now im confused lol, do i need to buy anything else or is that link i recently posted enough? and thanx allot for all the help, especially penguin and kitty.
You need 1 x Flashcard http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.2728 1 x Micro SD - this is a fast one(Class, the higher the class the faster it is. This will hold 100+ Roms http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.15035 Go to http://www.linfoxdomain.com/nintendo/ds/ and get the latest firmware (M3 real 4.3c) right click on the downloaded file and selet unzip You will get 1 folder names SYSTEM, put this on the micro SD (using the adapter that came with the M3 real card) Right click on the micro SD card and select make new folder, call this folder NDS (NOTHING ELSE - just NDS - all in capitals) Put your roms in here (no more than 128 roms per folder - you can make other folders but the first must be called NDS) DONT fill the card to capacity - leave 1MB of free space per rom you put on (100 roms = must have 100MB free space - this is used to create the save files) Safely remove the micro SD from the computer, put it into the M3Real and slot into the DS and away you go!