ds lite, or dsi mod. diffs-sims

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by batonveck, May 15, 2012.

  1. batonveck

    batonveck Member

    May 15, 2012
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    as i put in my sig i am cheap-o kind of kid. i got my ds lite as a freebie and like modding for the awesomeness of it.
    i own a ds lite but i have a chance to pick up a dsi in trade for my zune touch hd.
    so make me a believer. is it really worth changeing to a dsi? should i change over?. or should i keep my setup and spend cash on the flashcart.

    i bassically want to now the simmilarities and differences and options between modding a dsi or modding my ds lite.
    thnx in advance
  2. shalome

    shalome Regular member

    Apr 25, 2012
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    It doesn't matter, if you want to use the DSL or DSi, you need to buy a flashcart for them. If you keep the DSL, i suggest you just buy the r4ds original card which is cheap and classic for DSL, if you get the DSI, i alwasy suggest to buy acekard 2i, r4i gold or DSTwo.

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