DS lite pens less responsive

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by darkradar, Jun 16, 2008.

  1. darkradar

    darkradar Member

    Mar 10, 2007
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    I have a fat DS and in the places around where I live, they have stopped selling styluses for the fat DS and only sell those for the lite. I used to play Elite Beat Agents and I used to be good and when I got the new styluses, my DS seems to be less responsive and I have calibrated the touch screen a couple of times. I have to push harder right in the middle of the point of the thing when before, with the old styluses, it would work well. Is it possible that the DS lite pens are specially designed for the DS lite touch screen? Is it just in my head or have I lost my touch at EBA (no pun intended)
  2. susieqbbb

    susieqbbb Guest

    the ds lite pins are a little less responsive there is how ever a solution from one of my freinds at youtube he did a review on a new stylus that i went out and purchased and enjoy a lot and it works on ds and ds lite

    here is the link


    it is a flexable stylus made by pdp

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