Hi folks, maybe somebody can shed some light on this for me. I got me a DS Lite from someone real cheap, in broken condition. The hinge is completely broken, for example, but I can buy a new shell cheap I'm sure. It doesn't seem hard to replace them. The problem I'm having though is that the DS will turn on, with the green light being dim, then getting bright, then the screen flashes white, but then the whole thing goes completely off again. I read about this being a sign of a blown fuse, so I put a multimeter to the F1 and F2 fuses. F2 was a bit harder to get a result from, maybe just from crud on top of it, but they did both register a connection on the meter. So I'm thinking they're both fine. I pretty much completely disassembled the thing, including removing the main LCD, and tried powering it up, but it's the same result from the LEDs. So I figure it's something on the main board, I just have no idea what at the moment. Something interesting to note is that it will apparently still charge the battery, if that means anything. I plugged the power in and the light turned orange. I also tried the battery from this DS in another one, and the other one powered up fine, so I figure the battery is good. If anyone could give me any ideas, I'd much appreciate it!
Bad screen or ribbon cable. Probably the top one since the hinge was broken. Very unlikely that this is a fuse problem. You most likely need to replace the top or bottom screen and unfortunately, there's no way to tell which one short of having functional spares or a test rig.
Wow, good advice! I had no idea that the top screen could cause the system to behave that way. I disconnected the upper LCD cable in my good DS, and it did the exact same thing. So I put the front half of the good one with the back half of the new one, and it worked! So it's just something in the upper LCD section (or maybe even just the cable as you said). Only other problem I found with it is that the touch screen can't be calibrated, but they're apparently super cheap. The bottom LCD is in great shape though. I think the L and R triggers on this board work better than the ones on my other one, so I might even switch out system boards. Anyway, thanks a lot for pointing me in the right direction!