I have an old DS Lite that has a bad top screen (or maybe bad cable?) It seems like only half the vertical and half the horizontal lines show up. But when I move the lid around sometimes I can get it working and it looks great. I took it apart to see if there was something obviously wrong with it, but everything looks fine to me. What would be the best plan, just replace the screen? I know DX has them pretty cheap, but I'm scared to solder the speaker connections... I might mess it up. Is there anything simple I may be missing?
I haven't done any electronics soldering before so I'll definitely be practicing on an old video card or something like that first. I've heard a 15w iron with a fine tip is best, is that right? And should I have a desoldering wick or something as well?
To be honest - it is 4 thin wires. Make sure you note which goes where (the red and black) as long as you add a little solder to the new contacts then desoldering is not needed. Heat the pad till the wire is loose and remove, heat the pad and put the wire into the molten soder. keep still till set (Use a pair of plyers to hold the wire as it does get hot)
Ok, so no desoldering is needed for this job... what about the iron? Will a 15w fine tip iron do the job? I would also like to try a L/R button replacement on another DS Lite if this goes well. What will I need for that? (besides the buttons of course)
15w is fine With the buttons, this is VERY hard, have a look how small they are and where the solder pads are before you commit to it.
I've looked... I know how small they are. I guess I'll wait to see how accurate my soldering skills are! lol Thanks for the help!