I replaced my sons shell due to a broken hinge and now it will not power on. The green light will turn on for a second and the bottom screen flashes and it turns off. I have looked for help every where with this and have no clue what is wrong. I have gone over all the connectors inside and seems they all are connected. Thanks for any help.
well it seems like you know alot of doing stuff about nintendo ds and the insides of it so im guessing u already tried charging it and/or playing while its charging haha. well ive never gotten to switching the housings of the ds but maybe you need a new battery. thats all i can say, dont know anything else that can help
Only reason I dont think its the battery is that it worked fine before switching the battery. Thanks though.
The same thing happened to me! I disassembled my DS, and put it back together, and now when I turn it on the green light stays on for 3 or 4 seconds and then it shuts off! My DS Phat needs your help! What's going on?