Right Peeps, I've just got that special somebody the ds lite for crimbo and downloaded some ds roms from http://www.nds-roms.com only to find that the zip files once downloaded are no good to me (.exe files) as I'm in Mac land you see running OSX. Can anybody guide me in the right direction? Cheers.
strange! when upzip or unrar, the file should be gamename.nds have you tried another rom to see what happen? what un-packing programme did you use? maybe thats causing the problem. try using 7-zip its free, http://www.7-zip.org/ (theres one for mac but its not official) ps. for another source, do a google search for: ds rom news
There are a few .zip programs for OSX. Go find one. .zip is the standard format (sometimes .rar) for archiving .nds files.