Hey, My brother has just bought a DS and asked me to decide what he gets for it (DS Simply..R4/M3) I haven't looked up DS stuff in months and can't remember a thing about them. I can't remember the difference between R4/M3 or anything else. All I can remember is that DS Simply is the easiest thing to use with (I think) a micro SD card. So what I'm asking is that some of you can give me a recomendation of what ot suggest he gets...here his situation. White Nintendo DS LITE Bought in Ireland but I dont think that there is any region differences in the DS. He wants an easy option, So I thought the simply where I believe you load whatever games you want onto a micro sd card and slip it in to a cartridge and it works away without anything else. I think there could also be simplys with built in storage. Sorry if some of the stuff I have said makes no sense as I really can't remember much about it and I cant read aload of threads now as I have to go away and he'll be pissed if I dont have something worked out. So really what he's looking for is an easy yet cheap option so he can play aload of DS games.(well cheap but if somethings well better and not much more then no probs). Thanks a million for any help, As this messageboard never fails me on anything!
M3 DS Simply and R4 are the same thing, just with different labels. They both take micro Sd cards. I think that R4 gets more frequent updates. I have the M3 and would recommend it wholeheartadly, although there is no difference.
Riorio99 said it. You want to get either an m3 or R4, recommendation: whichever is cheaper, and for a great, hard to beat deal: http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.1459 -R4 with 1gig kingston microsd (very high rom compatibility 4/5 of 5 for castlevania: PoR) http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.1897 -R4 with 2gig sandisk microsd (also great compatibility, don't remember the PoR rating though) Either of these are both extremely easy to use, my sister can and has next to no computer skill, and very reliable. Also, no flashing of any kind required, and built in AR compatibility. Keep in mind too, he can always come here for help if he needs it.