I've asked elsewhere, but haven't received any help.. So I'll ask here. I've downloaded all the files I need for DS Doom. DSDoom.nds, prboom.wad, doom.wad They have been placed in the root of my microSD. Upon running, I get: Welcome Jes! This is DS DOOM build 1.1.0 The R4 compatibility wiki states that DS Doom must be patched in order to run on the R4. I've tried many times to patch it, with no success. Soo.. if anyone knows what I can do to get it to run, that'd be great. Or even a kick in the right direction would be nice.
will this also work on a m3 simply? I have been trying for days to get it to work. I got all the files, it loads and asked me if I want to start game and then black screen? can someone help me with this? Thanks.
Standard game Network game Is that where it messes up? or does it go further into the game? ..and did you patch the .nds file to work with your M3?
Yes, that patch should work. When you patched it, where was the file located? ..mine wouldn't patch right once it was on my microSD, so I had to patch it on the desktop, then copy to the SD.
I patched it on the desktop. these are the files I have, dsdoom.nds prdoom.wad doom.wad Am I missing some files? I put all the files in there own folder in my sd card is that right?
You create a folder named "DSDOOM" the .nds file goes in there alone, the rest of the files go into the root. (the main section of the card)