I'm new at this so... If I were to put a japanese game into an R4 card(the DSi one) for the (american)DSi, the game would not run, would it? I looked around a few threads and it says the R4 is not so good? Which would be the best card to get? Theres also stuff about firmware and that one card does the updates for you?
If you are running on a DSi you will need one of the two carts out that can currently run on the DSi. Those two are the Acekard 2i and the SuperCard onei.
I personally do not own a DSi as of yet. I should have my new one in by next week however. I have used a legit R4 for the DS Lite, but now for the DSi, after researching, I recently ordered an Acekard 2i for when I get my DSi. Whether that is better or not, I am not sure, but from reviews and different things I have read/researched it is the card of choice for me. And as far as Micro SDs go, SanDisk should be fine. I use Transcend, but SanDisk should be fine, so long as it works, it should be good hah.
This whole thread confuses me. There are more than two carts that work on the DSi, but as I use an Acekard 2i I would go with that. There is no region lock on any DS - your Japanese game will work fine, as long as you can cope with the language. The problem with R4 is that it has become a generic term - In the same way as Fridge or Hoover has.