Hi I am new here and wondered if I could please have some help? I bought a DSTT card and as soon as I put it in my DS the DS stopped working and would not charge or switch on. I thought it may be a coincidence as the DS was an old one so I bought a new DS lite and the card has also killed this one :O I looked on the official TTDS website that shows which cards are fake and which are real by looking inside them and my card seems to be a real one?? so I am totally confused now. Has anyone got any ideas? I am obviously scared now to buy another card even another make incase it does it again as I cannot get my DS replaced a second time Some help would really be appreciated Thanks
1) Replace the fuse F2 on the DS board - working DS DSTT do seem to have a habit of doing this, try another card (not DSTT or anything with R4 in the name)
I would only recommend bridging the fuse for testing, (without a card) you can buy the fuses (yes they are small) but if anything does go wrong you have a chance of repairing it, if you bridge it you can end up with a pocket of melted DS!
Thanks very much for your help I am sending the card back to the seller they have said they will refund me... so they should really after breaking 2 consoles !!
How common is this issue? I've ordered a DSTT cart and it should be here in the next week or so. I'm a little worried to try it now!
Rare However it does seem to happen to DSTT cards more than other flash carts, however as I said - RARE