DTS HD Master Audio 5.1 conversion to .wav 5.1 or .wav 2.0

Discussion in 'Audio' started by john_d79, Feb 18, 2010.

  1. john_d79

    john_d79 Member

    Feb 18, 2010
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    Hello afterdawn members,

    I come with a problem that I can not find any information on, nor can I figure out the problem myself.

    For the last few weeks I've been trying to decode a single dts hd master audio file into a .wav file. Extracted from mkv container using tsMuxerGUI, using the command line with eac3to v3.17 and TotalMedia Theater 3 and 2 as the decoder. After decoding is finished, I find that the output .wav file is only 7 min and 230 mb in size when I move my curser over it and play it in vlc player. When i right click on properties, it says it roughly 4.2 gb in size like it should. I had done this process before, but include a downmix in the command line to 2.0. The file came out right in size and time that it should be, but as few past experiences downmixing, the .wav file didn't sound right, with the sound on the right channel, particularly the lead guitar, was toned down and the left channel (rhythm guitar) to loud.

    I have now just used eac3to and tmt to create 6 mono .wav files with the correct size and time. I rather not go ahead and use these files to create a 5.1 .wav file or 2.0 .wav file, but I will if it is my only option.

    Is there any information, or any problems that could be causing this to happen, or if you need me to post more specific information, I would more than grateful for the time and effort.
  2. john_d79

    john_d79 Member

    Feb 18, 2010
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    Never mind, I've converted the dts file to flac 5.1 with success. Thanks and apologies to any one who may have been spending there time and effort to finding a solution. I will still be taking comments on this topic as this was a vary exhausting process, and I would like to have the opportunity to learn from my mistakes
  3. cyprusrom

    cyprusrom Active member

    Jan 5, 2006
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    I think the problem you are having with the WAV file is due to its size limitation, which is 4GB. Some programs have problems with a WAV even if its only bigger than 2 GB.Your individual 6 WAV files are okay, but when put together, they exceed 4GB.
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2010

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