DTS vs. AC3 Audio

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by gallydif, Jul 13, 2007.

  1. gallydif

    gallydif Member

    Jun 19, 2007
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    What is the difference? Is one better than the other? Which one should i use for my dvds? When a dvd uses both... should i copy both or only use one? Please let me know. thanx
  2. MichaelP1

    MichaelP1 Guest

    if your surround sound system supports DTS YES use that. if it doesn't and you use DTS for your only audio you will not have sound playing back your dvd .
  3. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    plus bear in mind that DTS files can be stupidly large, for instance DTS on 'House of Flying Daggers' was 1.3GB if i recall correctly..
  4. dave910

    dave910 Member

    Jun 12, 2006
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    What is the difference?
    (A)DTS Requires 2 Decoders 1 on the DVD Player and 1 for the Recever (If You Don't Have a surround sound system then don't Encode in DTS, but If You Do Then by all means Don't Forget To Check That Box bucause You Will Love Hearing any movie in DTS.)
  5. ugc

    ugc Regular member

    Jul 24, 2005
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    I am fine with AC3. Sounds great, and DTS is toooo large. And on a good system, it is hard to tell the difference.

    For me, my whole purpose of compressing a DVD into Divx, is to save space with a good compromise. AC3 is my answer.

    This is what the glossary says:

    DTS is a private company that develops audio formats, pretty much like Dolby. With term "DTS" people generally speaking refer to DTS's digital surround audio technology that is used widely on DVD-Video discs, just like Dolby's Dolby Digital/AC3.

    Dolby Digital
    (synonyms: AC3)
    Dolby Digital (AC-3) is Dolby's third generation audio coding algorithm. It is a perceptual coding algorithm developed to allow the use of lower data rates with a minimum of perceived degration of sound quality.

    This coder has been designed to take maximum advantage of human auditory masking in that it divides the audio spectrum of each channel into narrow frequency bands of different sizes optimized with respect to the frequency selectivity of human hearing. This makes it possible to sharply filter coding noise so that it is forced to stay very close in frequency to the frequency components of the audio signal being coded. By reducing or eliminating coding noise wherever there are no audio signals to mask it, the sound quality of the original signal can be subjectively preserved. In this key respect, a coding system like AC-3 is essentially a form of very selective and powerful noise reduction.

    In the consumer electronics industry the Dolby Digital soundtrack can be found on the latest generation of LaserDiscs (in space where one of the analog tracks used to be), can be found as the standard audio track on Digital Versatile Discs (DVD), is the standard audio format for High Definition Television (HDTV), and is being used for digital cable and satellite transmissions.

    For more information, see the glossary definitions for:
  6. gallydif

    gallydif Member

    Jun 19, 2007
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    thanks a lot for all your help

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