dual harddrives?

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by pacman33, Mar 10, 2005.

  1. pacman33

    pacman33 Guest

    ok i am new to moding xbox's and all and know nothing about the dual harddrives and crap. once i get my mod chip and every thing do i need to use my old harddrive that came with the xbox or can i put a 80 in its place? if so do i need to do anything special to it before i plug it in or do i just put it in and let my modchip boot it up? and how to i make it so i can plug an extra harddrive in? i got the ide cable thats got 2 plugins but i dont have power to my second drive? it there something i can buy to give it power?
  2. modster

    modster Regular member

    Oct 6, 2004
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    hey, go to radio shack and buy Y-adapter for the power to your hard drive. then just put a switch on that adapter so that you can turn one on and the other off.
  3. mdsup

    mdsup Guest

    the only reason you would need the stock hd is if you signed up and used xbox live with it...if you did, and you upgrade to a bigger hd and sign onto live you will be banned...so if you used you stock hd to sign up to xbox live you must use it for xbox live...the only other way around this would be to get a new eeprom to flash to the xbox, then you could use a larger hd all the time.
  4. pacman33

    pacman33 Guest

    ok i am on dial up and will never use live in my life. lol so i guess i will just swap it for a higher harddrive. oh and you said i needed a switch on the power for the dual harddrives? can i only run 2 at a time?
  5. pacman33

    pacman33 Guest

    or can i just plug them in like i would in a computer?
  6. mdsup

    mdsup Guest

    you can only run 1 at a time...that is what the switch is for...the switch will direct power to one or the other.
  7. pacman33

    pacman33 Guest

    ok cool thanks

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