I have a dual layer burner and I have dual layer discs so I'm really looking for a one to one copy process. Almost all guides, tutorials, questions, etc here seem to focus on fitting a standard DVD-9 into a DVD-5 which is not my problem. I'd like to just copy from one drive to another like a CD, but I do need to remove the copy protection so I'm not sure if that's possible. I've had fair luck with using DVDfab to rip onto my hardrive then burn to Verbatim dual layer +R discs using Nero. But sometimes the discs won't play in my standalone player even though the original does, plus if there are any non-DVD files they don't get on the final copy because Nero can't do video and data together (or at least not to my knowledge). I've been looking at either DVD Magic Copier or the DVDfab Platinum and using the clone feature. Does anyone know if these will do what I'm after? It seems like a pretty simple thing to just make a 1 to 1 copy of the disc.
hmm why do you need data on the dvd film aswell? also booktype the +R to DVD-rom more like original dvd format (better compatibility) for players... burn slow and imgburn is very good for dual layers and doing the layer break... imgburn booktypes
When I say data on the disc, I mean like if there is active content or other stuff where in DVDfab it says "include non-DVD files" Even if you include them when ripping, Nero won't burn them on the disc. I'm fairly certain the booktype is set to DVD-Rom, but I'll check. I know it burns at 4x. I'll check on imgburn too. What I'm really looking for is something to do it in one step, though without ripping/burning process. Can it just be copied from one disc to and burned to another without using the HD for storage?
copy protection on a shop bought dvd film has to be ripped out stat! a dual layer you made your self can be 1:1 copied. i use ANYDVD running in the background to aid ripping with another app, i spose you could go 1:1 copy with that running? i alway go to HD for compressing as i never use dual layers to many problems and expense involved