Ive been reading on how to save Duke Nukem Music and the sounds and everything but im missing quite alot of files from the Real Duke as i use this other duke nukem 3d called Eduke and i was just woundring if could someone send me the Ogg Files from the files or if some one is able to give me all these files becuse i have No Music or sound files wat so eva theres this file called duke3d.def and the only files it says to include is duke3d_hrp.def and sd_duke.def but yeah just proving my point im missing files but that would be good if some one could like save all the Music and sounds (like Duke Talken) and could send it to me please would b very greatful
i don't think that kind of request is allowed here! why don't you just buy what you want insted of begging for it?
coz theres no store where i can buy it but uh thanx for saying dat its not allowed i think you can lisen to the sounds dats all i want em for but yer thanx anyways