duplicate channels on the eurovox ex5100 pvr

Discussion in 'Digital TV - UK & Europe' started by colbs, Oct 19, 2009.

  1. colbs

    colbs Member

    Dec 2, 2008
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    after flashing my eurovox i have ended up with duplicate channels i was wondering if there is any way to fix this and get the box back to normal!!
  2. malci

    malci Guest

    Do a Factory Default on your correct sybol rate and fresh Powerscan, or you can easily delete the duplicates in Channel Manager. Menu - Actoss to Channel Manager OK enter 0000 and choose the the Edit option Blue Button and then Red Button delete one, I know it is long winded but there you are, when you have them how you want why don't you make your own channel dump and upload it to your PC then you can always drop it back as and when.
  3. colbs

    colbs Member

    Dec 2, 2008
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    thanks for the quick reply malci, is a power scan a deep scan or a fast scan? is there any way you can talk me through making my channel dump and uploading it onto the box? or is there a thread on this forum on how to do it?
  4. malci

    malci Guest

    Just an ordinary Powerscan not a deep scan, not needed unless you are missing TPs and it takes a long time anyway - As regards the Channel dump, yes it is very simple to do, once you have the channels sorted and as you want them, then just connect your box to the PC with the NULL MODEM lead, leave Your EV on Standby and then use the bottom half of the UFL (Unified Firmware and Loader) that you used to flash the box - just press Upload and you will be prompted to give it a name (My Channels etc.) and save it to a folder - and when you need it in future just use the Bottom Half of the UFL again to Download to your box, that's it basically. If you need more info then click on the link marked Eurovox there is plenty of Information there.

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