DVD-9 Media Storage

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by burnplus, Jun 23, 2004.

  1. burnplus

    burnplus Guest

    First I would like to thank the people who have helped me in my first post. I was able to successfully backup my Planet of Apes DVD on Memorex 4x DVD+RW using Shrink and played it on my Apex AD-800 with no problem.(I got confused about the + and after purchasing realized there is a site on media/player compatibility and was worried to death that it won't play on my DVD player)

    My question is why aren't there blank DVD-9's on sale at computer stores? Are the technical reasons under DVD-9 (Glossary) burner related or media related? I was just reading on the new Philips 16x writer and it seems that writing speed has a lot to do with it. I know DVD writers can double CD-RW capacity (HD-BURN), is that what happens with 16x DVD writer? Or will there be a new set of 8.5GB media storage discs out?
  2. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    They're in production but are still limited in availability and very expensive when you can find them.

    I didn't quite follow the rest of your questions.
  3. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    Welcome to our Club there burnplus,

    You might want to spend some time looking around to learn about DVD's and DVD Backups -

    We take 7 or 8 GB movies and put them on a DVD-5. Speed is nice but it causes problems, slower is many times better.

    CD's are as different from DVD's as a moped is to a car. Forget most of what you knew, Media is a major factor most media doesn't measure up to our standards.

    Cruise around, you’ll see,


    Sea Yaaaaaaaaaaa,


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