Using DVD Shrink and Decrypter. Is there a way that I can edit the material before burn. I know that shrink has re-author, but I tried that and it said the menu wouldn't work. I want to keep menus and the film, and get rid of all the stuff at the end.
Hi, With Shrink 3.2 you can replace the extras with a still picture thus allowing you to keep functional menus. Select Full Disc, highlight the extras folder on the left then shoose Still Picture from the drop down on the right under the Compression Settings tab. It works quite well
Thanks, I just read that somewhere else in another topic. Guess that I just need to play with the program some and get to know all the features. Just so stoked about this. I have it all working and don't want to screw anything up.
Practicing is definately the key! I think there is nothing worse than shelling out a bunch of money on media just to make a bunch of coasters or frisbees or fun on saturday nights with the microwave. But if you get a few RW's, it will definately be worth it on the amount of media that you can save. I still test most of the movies I author because I am way too poor to throw media out the window..