DVD Backup - Which audio to keep ??

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by Biglad, May 25, 2004.

  1. Biglad

    Biglad Regular member

    Jun 21, 2003
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    Hiya lads, just after a quick bit of advice if possible.

    I was just wondering what audio you had to keep when backing up a film to DVD-R ??

    At the moment I have the choice of :

    1. AC3 5.1-ch English 366MB
    2. AC3 2-ch English 156MB
    3. AC3 2-ch English 156MB

    Do I need all three of these or just the top one ??

    I just want the main movie so have removed all the extra and menu's, just wasn't sure with the audio.

    I will use the backup on my normal dvd player (a pacific 1002W) on my TV, I haven't got any surround speakers or anything.

    Thanks for any help.

    Last edited: May 25, 2004
  2. vurbal

    vurbal Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    It depends on what amount of compression, if any, you are going to be using. If you can copy it uncompressed and keep the 5.1, that's the way to go. If it makes a difference in compression, and you don't care about having 5.1 audio on the disc, go with one of the 2 channel options. Normally when there are 2, one of them (probably the first) is a 2 channel downmix of the 5.1 channel and the other is a commentary track, so make sure of what you're getting if you go that way.
  3. Biglad

    Biglad Regular member

    Jun 21, 2003
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    I had a guess and kept the 5.1 and got rid of the other two as it did make a difference in compression. I played the DVD but there was no sound, I knew I would pick the wrong one, lol.

    Thanks for the advice mate, I will do it again with the 2ch and leave off the 5.1ch.

    Cheers STEVE
  4. brian100

    brian100 Guest

    Best check that the 2ch is not an audio commentary, tread careful there fella...i always kep the 5.1 for ref, even if it does mean more compression for the main movie
  5. ratbastid

    ratbastid Member

    May 19, 2004
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    Did you go into the audio setup and make sure it was set to 5.1 when you tried to play it? A couple of times I kept only the 5.1, but it wasn't the default audio. I had to change the audio to select that as an output and BAM! there was the sound. Try it again before you reburn it. I pitched 3 or 4 'bad' discs into the trash before I realised that they DID have sound, I just didn't select the 5.1 in setup when I played it.
  6. daba

    daba Guest

    Hi Biglad,

    If you're using DVD Shrink, you can easily know what an audio track contains (I mean the movie soundtrack or the director's comment).

    Select the title and click the "play" button to preview it. Then right-click in the preview window, click the "audio" menu and select the audio track you want to hear. That way you can check what you are about to burn.


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