Dvd Backup's Pausing?

Discussion in 'DVD players' started by OnlyJosh, Jan 19, 2006.

  1. OnlyJosh

    OnlyJosh Member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    I hope im posting this in the right channel, if not im sorry. Well when i back up my dvds, sometimes when i watch them on my home dvd player they atend to pause for like a quick seconed. Now before i go and make that back up of my dvd i make sure my +r Dvd has no scratch's and nothing on it. Also i have cleaned my home dvd player before so i dont know wut could be making this problem.. Is it bec of my home dvd player or is it bec when i copy the dvd's that already have kinda some scratch's on them and it makes my NEW back up kinda crappy also?.. im not sure wut to do.. It kinda makes u mad when u take all ur time into backing up that movie and once u watch it it pause's for a seconed through out the WHOLE movie.
  2. gear79

    gear79 Guest

    what meadia are you using... sounds like its just bad choice of media..
  3. OnlyJosh

    OnlyJosh Member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    Iam using Dvd+R Imation Disk's.
  4. gear79

    gear79 Guest

    oh.......... bad media... by far, one of the worst, next to memorex.
    try some better media, such as verbatim, fuji, ty, maxell, sony (all of these, except the verbatim) are/have to be made in japan...

    try some of that and see what happens, i bet it will solve your problem..
  5. OnlyJosh

    OnlyJosh Member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    So lets say.. if i gotton Sony, Verbatim, Fuji, Maxell..One of those.. could i back my dvds that are the Pausing Imation ones that i was having troubles from? and they would burn better on my new ones? and not cause me the pausing while watching it..

    Let me Put that into better words.
    Can i Make Backs Up's Off Of my Imations ones to my new Media with out my new meida pausing still?

    Well i just burned American Pie "band camp" nothing went wrong, i used Dvd43 running while i used Dvd Decrypter and Dvd Shrink the whole time. But far as the pausing through out the movie im not sure about yet...i'll see once i watch it. But ima go pick me up some SOny +rs This Weekend and back up most of my dvds with that instead of them being imation ones and turning out crapy down the road. Is that the way to go or no?
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2006
  6. gear79

    gear79 Guest

    dont copy from the bad disk to a new one, you may transfer the errors over. its best to do from the original...

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