DVD backups to HDD but won't complete on DVD

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by mscopr, Aug 20, 2004.

  1. mscopr

    mscopr Guest

    I used Clone2 to backup a dvd it did it fine. Then I tried another one it copied to the HDD fine. While it was backuping on a DVD it got done 80% and said error retry or abort. I have done this like 4 times and still the same thing. I was using DVD+R then I went to a DVD+RW with the same effect. I have XP & a iomega Super DVD copier. I have backuped before all went well. any ideas.

  2. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    We need to clarify what software you're using.

    Elby's CloneDVD2?

    The "other" CloneDVD2?

    DVD Cloner2?

    Something else?
  3. mscopr

    mscopr Guest

    I was using DVD-CLONER V2.32 but when it didn't copy back I uninstalled and reinstalled the DVD-Cloner v.2.30. I also backuped one of the dvds to HDD using DVD shrink all went well but after it copied 60% came up and said it didn't copy but was still on HDD so I could retry .....
    so frustrating.


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