DVD Backups?

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by victory48, Aug 2, 2004.

  1. victory48

    victory48 Guest

    I just purchased a DVD burner, primarily to store my photographs. I have been storing them on CD's using Nero. It was starting to get a little crowded so I thought I would avail myself of the 4.7G capabilities of DVD media.

    I have used Nero to backup my Audio CD's for years. I figured if someone breaks into my car and steals my copies I'm only out the cost of a blank CD.

    I had decided to try this with my movie library only to discover that Nero won't do it because of a copyright block.

    I'm not real sure how I got to this site but during my research of the problem I discovered it can't be done without an addon software.

    I have read the guides for the installation of DVD Shrink; DVD Decrypter; and DVD43. It appears that the DVD Shrink and Nero combo will enable me to backup my movie library.

    My question: Is there software available on the market that will allow you to copy on the fly, DVD to DVD, like I'm able to do with CD's? It seems the alternatives are very time consuming requiring the storage of the video on your hardrive to be able to copy it.
  2. fasfrank

    fasfrank Active member

    Oct 15, 2003
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    Burning DVDs on the fly is not something that is ever recommended. They are much larger and more complex than CDs and requires quite a bit of your system's resources just to do it the recommended way.
  3. victory48

    victory48 Guest

    Thanks for the reply. I guess a quality output is better than a fast one.
  4. brobear

    brobear Guest

    2.5GHz CPU, 800MHz FSB, 1GB RAM, ATA 100 HD at 7000rpm or better with at least 20GB free space on the HD, good audio card, and good video card with Windows XP operating system. Now if your PC resembles that, you can record on the fly. Driver type decrypters will do the job along with a program like Nero's Recode2. AnyDVD is a good driver type decrypter, there are others like DVD Region Free and DVD43.

    If you don't have the resources, do it the slower more sure way. Me, I have the programs and the resources and I still do it the slower more sure way to insure getting good quality.

    I gave my son an old PC that is good for recording CDs. However, I wouldn't attempt to try recording a DVD with it. 2 different worlds as far as the PC's system resource requirements.


    [bold]Et tu, Brute![/bold][/small]
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 3, 2004
  5. victory48

    victory48 Guest

    Well, let me see....
    P4 3.2 800mhzFSB
    Abit IC7-Max3
    2GB Corsair XMS DDR400
    2X WD 74GB Raptor HD - Raid 0
    eVGA Geforce 6800 GT
    Audigy 2 Platinum
    Cooler Master TAGT01 case w/Antec 480W Neopower PSU
    XP Pro

    I've got the power, I think, just wanted to know the best way and if there was software available to do it on the fly. I've got the DVD43 but I guess I will use the DVD Shrink and Nero method.

    I'm a photographer and I work with and batch process large Tiff files in Photoshop and I assure you it puts more strain on my system resources than backing up a DVD.
  6. brobear

    brobear Guest

    You have the equipment. Just to see how it turns out for you, here is a free way of trying it. Download the free trial from Nero with the Recode2. Don't load InCD portion (problems with packet writing ware and recording DVD). You only need the first 2 packs and whichever contains the Recode2. It may be in the first 2. The rest of the pack is optional, but you may want to check out the entire suite. If you already have it, you may want to get rid of the InCD, if it is on the system. I prefer AnyDVD, but DVD43 should work. The freebie has to have Patin Couffin installed I've heard. The other DVD43 is trialware. Use the trialware version or retail if you purchased it.

    With the DVD43 on, play the DVD in the ROM so the program will recognize it. Turn off the viewer and open the Recode2. Click import and open the disc. The files should import to Recode2. Just use the Recode2 as normally used. Instruction guides can be found at the Nero site. Nero is downloadable every 30 days around the 1st of each month. One can download the program free every 30 days. Once you get tired of that you quit or buy.

    I noticed you have Nero. Is it the 6.0? It needs to be and you need the Recode2.


    [bold]Et tu, Brute![/bold][/small]
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 3, 2004
  7. victory48

    victory48 Guest

    Thanks for the info. The Nero version I have came with my burner I have upgraded it to version 6.31 with downloads but Encode2 will not work with my license version.

    I'm not opposed to purchasing the full version but I don't want to waste money if it won't benefit me that much. Do you recommend any other DVD burning software other than Nero? Will AnyDVD work without the Encode2?
  8. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Recode2. Go into your console and find your serial number. You click on the logo on the upper part of the quickstart console that opens from the desktop shortcut. Save the serial number somewhere and delete it from the program. Then you will be able to utilize the full trial for the month. After you've done your test, then you can put your serial back and it will limit you to the OEM program.

    AnyDVD is a driver type decrypter. It more or less nuetralizes the encryption running in the background. There are a lot of transcoder programs it will work with. Pinnacle IC8 and CloneDVD just to name a couple. Go to the AnyDVD site and they have a promo that explains the driver decrypter a bit better.

    The Nero suite with the Recode2 is one of the better recording suites and there is more than just the Recode2. I don't know how much your version has in comparison to the full retail version. BTW, you can get it cheaper than at Nero's website.

    A transcoder I am partial to is Intervideo's DVDCopy2. That one likes ripped files though and has a problem with scratched and old media and spots and flash from older movies is exaggerated. However, for the new high quality movies, I find it hard to beat. For the older stuff, I like the Recode2. Recode2 is said to be similar to Shrink. But, the controls are better, or I think so.

    As far as bang for the buck and all you get, Nero is a good pack. DVDCopy2 from InterVideo, CloneDVD2, and the Pinnacle IC8 are good.

    If quality is the supreme result and time isn't a bother, check up on the Rebuilder and CCE Basic. Just search out the CCE/RB threads. CCE Basic is $58 and the SP for the pros is near $2000. Basic is the offspring of one of the industries best and Rebuilder is a Beta that makes its use easy. That may be more involved than you want to get into at this point.

    Do some searching and see what you like. The Shrink is a good learning tool as well as a decent transcoder. So you can be learning while you make your decision. You can download a lot of these programs off the net for trial periods. The InterVideo one is short. So don't setup the program until you're ready to use the trial.
  9. victory48

    victory48 Guest

    Thanks for all of the info. I already checked out the AnyDVD site and will take a look at their trial copy of DVDClone also.

    Looks like there is alot of options too. I also know where to get Nero cheap if I want to go with the full version. I will also check out the other options you have provided.

    You have been very helpful. I appreciate your time in providing this info.
  10. brobear

    brobear Guest

    You're welcome. Glad I could be of assistance.

    Almost forgot to mention. Use the free DVD Decrypter to rip the video in file mode and transcode and burn with Intervideo DVDCopy2. Make sure it's a good disc and recent movie. I think you'll like the results. A fast and good transcoder.

    Doom9.org has some comprehensive guides for DVD Decrypter and the DVD Shrink.


    [bold]Et tu, Brute![/bold][/small]
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 4, 2004

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