dvd burner noises- normal, dangerous??

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by zachzchw, Mar 18, 2004.

  1. zachzchw

    zachzchw Guest

    My burner periodically makes a sort of whirring sound. It will start, then stop. It doesnt affect anything, either when running shrink or actually burning, just wanted to see if it was normal,or something may be wrong.
  2. Ketale

    Ketale Regular member

    Dec 1, 2003
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    If the burnt discs work like they should, I wouldn't worry about it.
    If you put in a disc into the drive it will usually spin very fast for a short while, so that is normal.

    Nevertheless it might be that another application is trying to use the drive, too. You wouldn't happen to have Roxio or Nero's InCD installed, would you? If not then wouldn't worry about it. You can always use earplugs if the humming disturbs you too much ;)
  3. UT_CK

    UT_CK Member

    Dec 1, 2003
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    That "whirling" sound is your burner speeding up to it's operating speed or slowing down to it's resting speed. Many manufacturer's will build a "dormant" spin into their drives.

    Here's the rationale: By "spinning down", the theory is that your drive will last longer since it will wear the bearings at a slower rate. I say theory... because instead this could have the opposite effect. It's harder on the motor to accelerate/decelerate but easier on the bearings (since they roll slower.. and create less friction).

    Most burners don't do this. The whirl comes from the acceleration/deceleration.. (almost sounds like a fan powering up in your PC... right ?)

    Anyway... dpon't worry about it.. I know it's annoying.. but you'll get use to it... personally.. I can't stand it. I use to get the same thing in my Kenwood (I've moved it to another PC ... in a galaxy far far away... :) )

    Happy burning...


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