I have a sony DRU-530A and whenever i load a dvd in there (doesent matter what kind) it will (in my computer) read the dvd as a cd and will not let me access the drive.. i have burned dvd's in the past though, the only dvd i remember burning is an apple dvd that worked fine..... anyone know what to do?? p.s. i know someone else has the same problem in the forum but his is a little different. And i dont know exactly where the hell the drivers are for my dvd burner, i have a cd but its not drivers, it's applications. And i can play dvd's just fine so i think it's something else. PLEASE HELP THIS HAS BEEN TROUBLING ME FOR MONTHS!!!!
i love how i've seen countless topics with the same problems, yet nobody know what to do. kudos update: if anyone cares, I can see the drive but now it keeps doing the same shit.. by the way, when i reinstalled my xp on a new partion i did not even have to install drivers for the dvd burner... yet when i looked around for a driver cd i could'nt find one so i dont think the thing had drivers in the first place.
I too am having the same problem with my Sony DRU500A. This just happened after I downloaded new firmware and upgraded Nero. I'm guessing the firmware did it but I can't fix it. I've done the Sony drive check and it passed just fine and the XP troubleshooting guide doesn't even mention writing CDs or DVDs. Also, when I look at the Properties of the drive and look at the Recording tab, it only shows CD recording. Please Help! Thanks, Trina