I have a Sony DRU 510A. I have used this several times to copy a DVD from my collection with no problems. I get a problem when trying to burn a DVD from my PC. I have converted a movie from avi using TMPGenc and ISOedit to author. When I try to burn the VIDEO_TS dir I get an error message job terminated with errors (no data copied). When I disable the option for recognise AUDIO_TS & VIDEO_TS for DVD I can burn the dir but it will not play in a normal DVD player (I expected this but just wanted to make sure). It will however play with PowerDVD. If I burn say \Video\VIDEO_TS\*.* it burns successfully but once again as expected will not play on DVD player. I have tried un-installing and re-installing the RecordNow DX S/W but it has made no difference. I am thinking of downloading a trial version of Nero 6.0 but I dont really want to use this as I already have DirectNow and dont want to pay for Nero and also from reading forum's like this most say that RecordNow is better S/W than Nero. Can anyone help me with this as I have looked on several sites and forums but have not found any posts similar. Thanks in advance
Personally, I think Nero 6 beats RecordNow hands down but thats just my opinion. It would be worth while to download Nero and burn using it. Nero has better dedicated drivers which make it more stable when writing data. This could also be media issues as certain types will only play on your Standalone but will play on nearly all PC's. Get quality media like Ritek G03 or G04 which are the most compatable with current standalones. Good luck
check out Oriphus site and use his settings--data mode. http://www.chrismccann.co.uk/user_guides.htm You are only selecting the VIDEO_TS folder that you are adding to the burn. Not the Video folder. The standalone must see the VIDEO_TS folder to start successfully.
yuedana is right, make the VIDEO_TS folder (as I write it, all caps and with a _ not a -) and an empty AUDIO_TS folder. You can then add other folders to the root and other files inside them (actually some DVDs have a player for PC included!)
Yes I know that you only need the VIDEO_TS dir all upper case with an underscore! I only added the extra dir Video as a test. As I said when I deselect the recognise the VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS folders per the DVD specification the DVD burns OK but is not readable (I know that this is the case as I have de-selected the option) but it does verify that there is nothing wrong with the media or DVD burner. When I resect this option as per the instruction on link abd then add the VIDEO_TS dir it appears red in the S/W not black as it does otherwise. I then try to burn and get data job terminated with errors. Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
don't use the dvd mode. Use the data mode. This is what I use and I have never had any burn issue or coasters this way.
Data mode is not DVD compatible have checked out Morphius site and set exactly the same but still get the same errors. Anyway have just downloaded nero and burnt first time!!! and plays on DVD player. thanks for all your help anyway.
When you have selected 'data mode' select options in the new window... Look at the dvd section and make sure you have the setting to TAO CLOSED.... This is required..... Also on the main window you NEED to have NEW VOLUME showing in the multisession box..... This is explained in my guide at Oriphus's website http://www.chrismccann.co.uk I have no issues with Recordnow max or recordnow DX..... Hope this helps...
Thanks koola I think so as I have used Nero 5.5 for burning CD Audio disks for years and have had no problems. To BaaBaa and Yuedana I have followed the guide from http://www.chrismccann.co.uk from start to finish setting it up EXACTLY the same and I STILL get the same results. I am an IT and Network technician so I do pick up S/W really quickly. I promise you that the S/W is defective it is nothing to do with ANY settings. I do appreciate all the help you guys have given me, but I just think that RecordNow DX will just not burn DVD's with my System. It must just be 1 of those things. Once again thanks for all your help.
The guides on my site will help you burn a correct DVD using either CloneDVD (Trial) or DVD Shrink (Free) R_Balboa._X_X_X_X_X_[small]DVD Guides, Info and Tools: http://www.simpleguides.tk ** New DVD Shrink and CloneDVD Guides** About Me: http://www.cursedtome.tk/ As sly as a FoX![/small]
I doubt the s/w is defective - sounds like it may just not support your writer - did you try uploading the PX engine update, this includes more writer support aswell. Anyways, you got Nero working - you can now join the Elite Nero users group......nice one
Just to cap this 1 off I e-mailed Veritas Technical Support before I posted on this Forum here is their reply:- Thank you for your inquiry. It seems that the VIDEO_TS folder has an unconventional structure for DVD-Video. In order to make a DVD-Video disc that can be played on DVD-Video Player, RecordNowDX must record the VIDEO_TS folder with a special way for DVD-Video format. When the option "Recognize the VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS folders per the DVD specification" is ON, RecordNowDX records the VIDEO_TS folder as a DVD-Video. If you want to make a proper DVD-Video disc, the option must be ON. However, if the VIDEO_TS folder have an unconventional structure, RecordNowDX cannot record it as DVD-Video. In this case, you need to remake the VIDEO_TS folder to get the proper structure. I'm afraid that we cannot see where the problem is. RecordNowDX does not have function of suggesting the unsuitable point for DVD-Video data. It only rejects the data to record. I apologize for this inconvenience. Best regards, ESJ Customer Support EASY SYSTEMS JAPAN So it seems I have an unconventonal structure. Anyhow gonna stick with Nero.
AHHHHHHH.....thats something I did not realise. And something very interesting..... It is highlighting the fact 'dvd video' HAS to be/include a certain structure.....something which we all take for granted by using dvd2one or dvdshrink... I have just noticed the initial post and your 'authoring method' uses different software.......something to ponder on... Do you use dvd2one or dvdshrink, and if yes did it do the same thing....I would be surprised if it did.... I think it would be interesting to do an IFOEDIT method to create the IFO's and see how recordnow deals with it.... But still this actually MAY have a bearing on why there are so much disputes going on between users of Nero and Recordnow..... R_balboa - thanks for posting that reply, it has certainly filled in a few blanks from my point of view.... Good luck with Nero, but I would try a different authoring method just to see if you can get recordnow going again...and confirm the Veritas response..... BTW, cheers for your screen dumps.....everything looked fine - except the error part......
Hee Hee - opinions vary.....LOL.... So it appears you can stick any old crap in Nero regarding the structuring and it will burn it under dvd video......yeh right....probably true due to the amount of simple burning issues people have with it.... This Recordnow issue is VERY interesting regarding the VIDEO_TS structuring, but he has stated he used it successfully before hand and it is apparent that the 'authoring' software used on the recent project has made it incompatible with the way Recordnow formats the dvd to be burned......comparing it to the way dvd2one/dvd shrink authors..... Now if the burning software has been written for a certain 'dvd video' structure (which I assume is a standard), then obviously the VIDEO_TS has comply with that standard.......in this case it does not..........so it is not that Recordnow is 'crap' it is the fact that there is an incompatibilty between the files to be burned and the softwares structuring of the dvd..... It seems to me that Nero will 'attempt' to create the 'dvd video' out of the file structure irrespective as to whether it complies with this standard.....sometimes successful and sometimes not...... Whereas Recordnow will not burn it if it does not comply with it.........I call it a nice fail safe if you ask me........and this could be the underlining issue regarding Nero issues that others may encounter....... Again, if your method is working for you, it does not mean it will work for others....in this case the way the files have been authored are compatible with Nero and NOT with Recordnow so a 'notch' on the bedpost for Nero. It appears to be bad news for Recordnow if this authoring method is used to create a dvd compliant set of files......... Don't get me wrong I am not anti-nero, I am just interested in getting to the root of problems.....and here the root of the problem appears to have been highlighted..... A nice thread........