i put blade trinity on burn. it was 700 mb and i put it on burn in a dvd cd. it took a long time like about 5 hours than after it finished i put it in my dvd player to see if it worked when i put it it didnt work at all wat should i do ???
We're going to need alot more detailed information before we can help you out such as any and all software used in the process, specific settings, methods used and what exactly it is you're wanting to accomplish.
i used nero i put blade trinity and some music videos on burn in a dvd cd. first problem is that it took a long time it took like 5-6 hours to burn than when i put it in my dvd player after it finished burning it didnt load up it didnt work on my dvd player. why is it like that???
Nero Burning Rom or Nero Vision Express? Is it an AVI or a straight DVD rip? Which is it - a CD or DVD? To burn or to convert an AVI to DVD? I still need to know what you're trying to do. I get the feeling you're trying to author a disc with the movie along with the videos. Is this correct?
u used nero burning rom. the movie was avi and i put it on burn .the cd i put it on burn was a dvd cd 4.7 gb dvd +r and the brand was sony. it took 5-6 hrs to burn and convert all together. i AM trying to work the dvd to my dvd player so i could watch it on tv
Ok,you cant just burn an avi onto a dvd(well you can but it wont play in alot of players).If you say you used nero then you must be talking about nero visionexpress(might explain the 5 hour burn) Also its either a dvd or cd, it cant be both. If it burned onto a dvd without errors then It may be a compatibility problem with your standalone,check your player with this chart. http://www.videohelp.com/dvdplayers.php
You will need to convert the avi to an MPG. Nero is trying to do that, but it is notorioulsy bad at encoding/re-encoding! Heres how i do it. 1. extract the audo from the avi with audioconverter. 2. use tmpgenc to convert the avi to an mpg, input video is the avi file, input audio is the file from step 1. 3. this will take some time depending on the size of your avi, expect a couple of hours. 4. Use Nero to burn the resulting mpg to a cd or dvd Good luck, Tim