Hi Guys, I'm hoping that maybe someone more knowledgeable can help me. I'm trying to burn the movie "Transformers" which is in ISO format; tried to burn it with IMGBuRN & when I' play it in my DVD player it continuously freezes. Tried another approach; I' mount the image with Daemon & burn with XtoDVD & I ended up with the exact same problem. am I missing something? a setting or maybe is the software I'm using?. Should I try it with Nero?. Just Found that the Movie is in PAL format, could that be the problem??. Please help.....
IMGBurn is fine make sure you are using good quality blank media like Taiyo Yuden or Verbatim burning no faster than 6x ot 8x max.for the best results making sure you have to most up to date firmware for you're drive burner helps also. check here http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_all.php are you sure you're DVD player supports playing back the pal format,yes that could be the problem if it doesn't?
Thanks for the reply. Just tried a tutorial that i found here but it's giving me problems.l Tried DVD Decripter to make a one file of the dvd then used Xconvert to dvd to change it to NTSC but I' end up with a file that is 8GB & asks me for a Double layer DVD. Is there a single software that can do the transition from PAL to NTSC that I can use??...
Key Features - ConvertXtoDVD Supported video formats: Convert AVI, Mpeg, Mpeg4, DivX, Xvid, MOV, WMV, WMV HD, DV, MKV, DVD to DVD and more... hmm? says dvd to dvd (i never tried this route) but convertxtodvd has a setting to make pal or ntsc