Hi, I just install DVD Cloner 4 to copy DVD's and it works fine except it take me about 2 hours to read the DVD and about 2 hours to write. I am using an IBM T30 notebook with about 700MB RAM and 2Ghz processor. I have a SONY 16x Burner. Any sugestions on how I can decrease my burn time, or increase my processing speed? Burn
Hi LetsBurn Check your drives and make sure they're all in DMA & not PIO mode. Here's a guide. Is the 16x Sony an external burner? Connected by 2.0 usb?
<binkie7> Forgot to mentioned that I had changed all the drive to DMA mode (only one had slipped into PI mode) and it still take the takes a least two hours to read and about the same to write. I don't know whats going on! Nothing else but DVDclone is open when I'm burning. And yes the 16x drive is an external burner connected to a 2.0 usb. Could that have something do with it? Thanks by the way for replying to my post! Burn
I know you checked the device manager for 'enhanced host controller' and a usb2 cable, but you might have a setting in the PC bios for USB devices.If you do, check the speed setting.
<attar> How do I check the "'enhanced host controller' and a usb2 cable and what would I be checking for? I will see if there's a setting for the USB devices in the Bios but I'm not sure!
I just meant the cable 'was' a usb2 cable. If it came with the drive then o.k or borrow one from a printer. My Computer>Properties>Hardware>Device Manager. Same way you checked the IDE controllers for dma. When you checked dma on the ide controllers, there's an entry further down the tree for Universal Serial Bus controllers. Click on the '+' and look for an enhanced host controller. If you have USB2, then I would expect an entry in the PC bios. Your symptoms sure sound like the DMA is off.
<attar> I notice what you were talking about after I sent my message. However, my computer doesn't have an "enhanced host controller". I was able to expand it on my job computer then came home to find that the my IMB T30 (the one I'm doing the burnng on)was missing it. What is it for? Should I have one? Is that something I can download and put there? Is it possible that my USB is using another type of driver different than the one you speak of? Also, I am using the USB cable that came with the DVD burner so that should be fine as you stated
Look at item #2 on this link. http://www.everythingusb.com/usb2/faq.htm It seems your laptop is not equipped with USB2 hence the speed headaches.
<attar> Okay attar, you almost got me there man. I can feel it! I downloaded ALI Stardard PCI to USB Enhance Host Controller ( I'm assuming any Enhance Host driver should work) However, after the download. Still nothing showed up in my device manager. The message "Hi-speed Device is attached to an Non-High speed HUB". "There is no HI-Speed USB controller installed on this computer" displays when I click on the USB icon on the bottom when starting the burn process. It appears that you are dead right about this USB thing. The question is, How do I get the Enhance Host Controller to show up after I find the one that works, and how do I connect the burning to the right hub or controller? one step closer!
If the Device Manager says that you have a standard controller then you would have to add a PCC card to the laptop. To find out your motherboard specs, reboot and push 'pause' on the initial boot screen and write down the details. E.g. 'ASUS p5p800' plugged into Google gives this: http://www.superwarehouse.com/Asus_P5P800_Motherboard/P5P800/ps/439860 If you scroll down you will see it has 8 usb2 ports.
<attar> Okay...... I figured my laptop might be incapable "as is". I don't know if it's worth going through the hassle of adding a PC card, or just getting a new system that has the upgarded Enhance USB Hubs/ports and everything! In any event, I will check into your surgestions when I get home this evening. Thanks for all your help! At least now, you've helped me identify the problem and I now know why all my friends are burning at lighting speed while my system crawls (using the same software).