DVD Burning!!!

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by Tony216, Aug 8, 2004.

  1. Tony216

    Tony216 Guest

    I recently used the guide on how to back up my DVD's with DVD Decrypter,and I started off good. BUT, when i went to burn the file to my DVD+R i found two files called MALIBUS_MOST_WANTED and MALIBUS_MOST_WANTED.MDS,
    the first file I mentioned is the biggest the other one is just 5kb. Yet i dont know whether i should put both files in my DVD+R or to just put one.

    Can anybody help me?
    I would very much appriciate it.

  2. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    Howdy there Pardner,

    Welcome to the Bar A/D Ranch :)

    Using DVD Decrypter, you're dealing with an ISO image, a single large file. You're a-doin' just fine as long as the size is smaller than 4.36GB. I suggest that you keep your file size around 4200MB or, at the most 4300MB, so you aren't burning to the very edge of your disc.

    To answer your question, burn the steer, not the calf.

    You'll find most of those DVD "Puppies" are of the larger variety Sooooooo, here's my "Chuck Wagon Special" to burn those Big Boys –

    I say, Iffin ya read da threads around here-a-bouts you'll come across an "Uncle" ScubaPete Guide :p) - YA FOLLOW ALL THE DIRECTIONS AND ALL OF THE SETTINGS -
    Anyway, it's a big thingie - Kind of looks like this -

    Here we go, step by step - it can't fail.


    First create a folder for your HD backup. Try to put it someplace where you won't forget it (i.e. C:/All DVD Work/My movie Name).

    Next download DVD Decrypter and under mode select "ISO, Write". Un-tick the box that says "verify". Where it says "source", you'll leave that blank as DVD Decrypter will find the location of your backed up DVD file automatically. Lastly, where it says "Destination", select the drive where your burner resides. Feel free to close DVD Decrypter, DVD Shrink will open it when it needs it.

    The link for the newest DVD Decrypter -

    Download DVD Shrink. Open it and click "Edit", then click "Preferences" on this page we're going to select "DVD Target Size" as custom and set the size as 4200MB - we do this to make extremely sure that our disc isn't too large. Then under the "File I/O" tab un-tick "Enable burning with Nero" then click "OK". DO THAT NOW !

    The link for the newest DVD Shrink ver. 3.2.68 -

    Place your original DVD in your DVD-ROM drive and a DVD blank in your burner's drive. (Of course if you only have a single drive, place your original in the drive and when you are asked for it, put your blank DVD in. Then, first chance you get buy yourself a DVD-ROM to ease the strain on your burner.) DO USE Ritek G04, Verbatim "DataLife" or media boasting "Advanced Metal AZO Dye. All other media could cause you errors, only the very best media should be used for DVD Video backups. Now is defiantly not the time to put your crappy, "Look how much money I've saved buying these." Cheap stuff in - )

    Now click "Backup" -

    Now, take just a second and under "Target Device" go to "Select backup target " once there, select "ISO Image File and burn with DVD Decrypter". NEXT, IMPORTANT, tick "Launch DVD Decrypter to burn the output image" box. Finally, where it says "Select target image file", browse till you find your created folder for your backup and click "Save". That's it ! Click "OK" and DVD Shrink burns that ISO image to your HD. It then opens DVD Decrypter and has it burn the ISO image to your waiting blank DVD.
    Don't use your PC for anything at all while it's working. -


    * There have been issues where playing your DVD on your burner may result in errors during processing :-(



    The “old man” Pete (ö¿ô)
    Compaq 8000, Pent IV CPU 2.84GHz, 1024MB RAM, 520GB HD.
    Pioneer 107, 8X R/W , Nec R/W ND-1300A, JLMS DVD ROM.
    128MB GeForce4 TI 4200, O/S XP [/small]
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2004
  3. michigan

    michigan Guest

    I just posted your guuide on another thread at almost the same time. That home brew of yours sure does get popular every once and a while.
  4. Tony216

    Tony216 Guest

    Well the DVD is smaller than 4,718,592,000 so it should fit in the blank but there are two files a 3.76GB file and a another one by the same name exept it ends with .MDS and its only 5kb.

    I Have A DVD burner that could burn on dvd-r dvd+r dvd-rw dvd+rw cd-r and cd-rw so all i need to do with this DVD movie is decrypt it and burn it on to my DVD+R but one problem lies ahead of me and that problem is,
    which file do I burn both or just the biggest one because i dont want to mess up my blank since i only got 10.

    to tell you the truth i really dont mind if it doesnt play on my tv the first time but i want it to atleast play in my computer so that i wont waste a DVD+r.

    but i still need to know wheter to burn the biggest file which i got no idea what type of file it is because it says its a easy cd creator image file, and thats all i can find out about it or should i burn the small file which is a .MDS which i got no idea what type of file it is which brings me to another problem.

    if i burn the biggest one should i add the 5kb also or should i just burn the easy cd creator image file (the biggest) by itself. right now i am very confuse which is why im trying to let all this sh*t out off my system my questions are like fusk*ng unsolved mysteries and its driving me nuts.

    u decide

    A: biggest file
    B: smaller file
    C: Both files
  5. forkndave

    forkndave Member

    Jul 30, 2003
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    Tony216: When you are recording with DVDDecrypter you can click on either the .iso or the .mds file and decrypter will burn the .iso file. I think that the reason for the .mds file is FAT32. When I had FAT 32, if the file was going to be slightly larger than 4GB, decrypter would split the movie into two .iso files and a .mds file. The .mds file would tell decrypter to burn both .iso files like they were one file. There probably is another reason for the .mds file, but I don't know what it is. I know that when you're burning with Nero in disc image mode, Nero only sees the .iso file. I hope I haven't confused you too much. I may be totaly wrong about the .mds file, but these have been my observations from personal use. The larger file is the .iso file. That's actually what will be burned on to the disk after it has been converted to DVD compliant files by decrypter or your other burnibg software. Just remember that the .iso is an image file and has to burned in that mode if you're not using devrypter to burn with.
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Soyo KT-600 Ultra Platinum, XP 3000+, 1024 MB PC 3200
    160 GB Maxtor SATA, 60 GB Seagate IDE
    Lite-On LDW 411S@811S, Lite-On SOHD 167T, Pioneer 107D
    GF FX 5600 Ultra[/small]
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2004
  6. Tony216

    Tony216 Guest

    are you saying i should burn both
  7. Tony216

    Tony216 Guest

    its an iso file i guess so do i just burn it the way it is to my dvd+r (iso 2 dvd+r) am i correct by burning the iso to dvd+r?
  8. Acme8790

    Acme8790 Member

    Aug 7, 2004
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    I have a question relating to this issue. I noticed a lot of people use DVD Decrypter for the first part of the backing up phase then switch to DVD Shrink to finish up the process. I used DVD Shrink for the whole process and everything worked great. I am new so I am wondering if there is a reason for using the DVD Decrypter. Is it faster? Why not use DVD shrink for everything? Just wondering
  9. forkndave

    forkndave Member

    Jul 30, 2003
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    Yes, you burn the .iso file. Just remember that it is an image file and burn it as such. If you just burn it directly to a DVD, then you'll have a DVD with an .iso file on it which is sort of like having a hard drive with an .iso on it.
  10. forkndave

    forkndave Member

    Jul 30, 2003
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    There's not too much reason to use decrypter before shrink unless shrink can't decrypt the movie. Decrypter is, in my opinion, faster than shrink, but most movies have to be shrunk, so running them both seems like a waste of time. Decrypter is handy to burn the movie with if shrink is used in .iso mode. Shrink will automatically burn with decrypter or Nero if it's set up right. Shrink, however, doesn't burn movies itself.
  11. Tony216

    Tony216 Guest

    HOLD-UP Forkandave, Peeps, Everybody.
    Look i burned the iso to the dvd+r because i became thirsty to burn it. and tada it worked perfectly and i jus put it on my dvd player and it worked as if the real dvd itself!!! this is just freaking amazing because i just bought the dvd burner yeterday and already made a backup. Wait until I show my Aunt how to this, she is gonna be making backups all damn day.
    but theres like one thing that sucks most of my dvd's are sizes 8,658,445,573 rather then 4,718,592,000.

    Do you guys think that dvd shrink can pull out a miracle to make it as small as that number i typed above?

    I never used dvd shrink so i wouldnt have any idea.

    if you guys think it would tell me so that i can go download it.
  12. michigan

    michigan Guest

    Yes it will that is exactly what it does, Hence the name Shrink.

    Burn on
  13. Tony216

    Tony216 Guest

    I downloaded it and everything but like it showed a whole bunch of bull.... and i am not sure if still work after i take out what ever i do take out. because if it says PLAY SCENES EXTRA'S and i delete the scenes and extras and stay with just the movie audio and that menu what the hell happens when i do click on screenshots? will it freeze. not only that but when the movie starts it has a begining intro movie with audio if i delete the intro movie does the audio stay playing by itself? would the sound happen before or after is suppose to happen? and when i delete the beginning intro where would i end up? would the screen just turn black and freeze? this is so freaking confusing.
  14. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    For your first question -

    When using DVD Decrypter -

    Burn the large file.

    Answer - "A"


    For your questions concerning DVD Shrink,


    1. Nothing

    2. No

    3. No

    4. At the movie

    5. No

    It probably is confusing for someone who won't even try to use the program.

    You have arrived at a place where you should not be asking us questions. This is the place where you actually have to do something on your own.

    Our place in this forum is to assist you should you have a problem NOT to hold your hand and answer your "What if" questions.

    There are guides at the top of the page, read them and follow them.

    I freely admit, it is partially my fault. I shouldn't have provided you with such an exact guide from the beginning. I should have just pointed you in the direction of the guides but I was feeling good and thought I would save you a bit of time and have you backing up your movie right away. As I said, it was my fault for helping you to the extent I did. You have now shown me the error of my ways.

    Come back when you have actually done something.


  15. pinkyD

    pinkyD Member

    Sep 14, 2004
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    awesome guide. Ive been looking all over for something like this...Ive been trying to burn my DVD's with nero and I guess since it has copy protection on it, nero wont burn it.

    I will try this method and maybe I can get a working DVD backup. And then I will be sooo HAPPY!
  16. bigfoot30

    bigfoot30 Member

    Jun 27, 2004
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    There you go,, a little effort and a little study + Awesome Pete's expertise and a DVDRipper you will be. lol
    Oh,, and Pete,,, Sic em Tiger !!!
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Gateway 2.5ghz P4 XP SP2
    DVD Shrink, dvd decrypter, Nero 6
    LGE 4020b Ritek GO4's DVDInfoPro

    "I often visit the State of Confusion, and I know my way around!"[/small]
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2004
  17. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    Just use DVD Decrypter in the "File" mode and pick up the files with Nero's recode2 and you'll be off to the races with Nero.

    "Hi-ho Neroooooo"

    (Huuummm, look out Sliver, you may become upstaged :)

    Me, I like variety and so use many different proggys :)

  18. pinkyD

    pinkyD Member

    Sep 14, 2004
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    okay sounds good, I dont know what nero's recode 2 is, but Im sure that I can figure it out. Thanks!
  19. adw

    adw Guest

    just the big one big daddy

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