How come when i burn DVDs then play the burned copy they always skip or stutter and then freeze about half way through the movie can any one help i have 1 click , is it maybe the DVD's i use. I'm copying from a brand new DVD
You have posted your question in the CD-R section. It should be in the DVD section for more people to see it. The skipping could be due to a great number of things: 1) incorrect or "illegal" video file format; 2) dirty disc; 3) problems with the DVD player; 4) problems with the DVD recorder; 5) poor quality disc; 6) poor compatibility of disc with your recorder; or even 7)not enough buffer memory in your computer so that data are getting hung up while being sent to the drive during recording. Many people are quick to put the blame on poor quality discs, but the most common problem is incompatibility, which can be a mismatch of drive speed and the disc's rated speed or due to improper application of laser power because the drive did not recognize the disc. If you state the model number of your drive and the brand of the discs you are using, it is easy to determine if the drive/medium have a good compatibility match.
I have an HP ligthscribe DVD writer in a HP pavillion a1130n computer i bought and i usually use memorex or verbatim DVD's. if u need more info let me know.
Can you determine the firmware version of your drive? It may need a firware update if the DVDs you are recording are 16X versions and your LightScribe drive is an early model. The drive will very likely work well with 8X media (HP models are generally compatible with both brands you mentioned), but the new 16X discs often need an update to drives' firmware so that the drives know what amount of laser power to apply and what power pulses to use. If the improper amount of power is used, the error rates can be so high that the error correction software chokes on a badly recorded disc; and that usually happens in the second half of the disc. Do the discs skip on the drive that recorded them or on a different DVD player? In many cases, if the discs play well on the original rcording drive, the DVD player may be the cause. If you can relay the drive model number as it appears in Nero, for example, we can tell you what firmware version is the latest; and an update may solve the problem.
The DVD burner i use is a HP writer 640c. How do I find the firmware version of my drive?? Should i try buying 8x DVD's and burning at 8X rate, The errors do usually happen in the 2nd half of the disc. Thanks for your help I'm sort of a rookie with this.
Hi. Here are the answers to the questions you have raised following Joe's questions/advice. To determine the current firmware version of your drive, you can download and run Nero Info Tool which you can find here on aD. If it is not currently version JS04, then you will need to update to that version, found here. It is reccomended that you burn media at half its' rated speed. So, burn 8x media at 4x & 16x media at 8x, etc That should clear up that part of it. Try another burn once you have updated your firmware (if needed). If your firmware doesn't need updating, don't try another burn just yet as there are obviously more elements that need takign into account and fixing.
Hello i have used nero tool and my firmware is ES04 and the link u gave me and other links do not work where can i get the upgrade or download for JS04? Thank u
Thanks that upgrade worked. I am using 1 click software to copy, it seems to take forever couple of hours just to copy one DVD. Is that normal should I try shrink or something else. thanks
Don't use 1 click programs. Check out alkohol's guides around the site (al can be found on his user profile - search the site for him) on dvd backup.
I downloaded pgcedit but there is no plugins i tried eveything moving it, adding folder, downloading plugins doesn't work, it doesn't work, can anyone tell me how to copy a DVD succesfully. I was on alkohols site and i printed out his guide but none of the links work since it is old, thanks
Try this guide.. That should work for you. And btw, this forum has several sub-forums dedicated to dvd backup; try searching.