DVD/CD Covers

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by crzyivn, Oct 6, 2005.

  1. crzyivn

    crzyivn Member

    Sep 26, 2005
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    So I'm printing out the covers to my dvd's and cd's. Although the quality isn't too bad, I was wondering on how to improve the quality without getting a new printer.

    I have a Lexmark Z705. Nothing spectacular, but it gets the job done. I've been using high quailty bright white paper, which looks pretty good. But I think the quality could be a lot better, and I've been using ink like nobody's business.

    Will glossy paper help the quality and the ink use? Do they sell the type of glossy paper you usually find in DVD covers? (i.e. not photo paper)

    Cheers for any advice!
  2. Rosco404

    Rosco404 Guest

    I dont think you can get glossy paper like the ones used with DVD's as they are properly printed by large printing firms... You could try Glossy paper around 225g but might be too thick? Worth a shot... or use high quality matte paper like 180g high white finish... Plus you can only print as good as the DVD cover you downloaded (http://www.cdcovers.com) or what your printer can handle.... Get an Epson Printer somthing like the R300 or R320 as carts are really cheap when you go for compatibles, saves you a small fortune : )

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