Im trying to find out how to run a program called "removed" By "removed". It displays icons for three programs (ANYDVD AND CLONEDVD/CD) and has a check box for each displaying "Patch", and notifying me that the programs are found on the computer. However when i click all three (or even just one) and hit "PATCH" it gives me an error that One or more programs are not closed. Ive tried closing them all to the best of my abilities, and shutting down any extra processes running at the time and still get the same error. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. THANKS
Please read forum rules, piracy is not allowed or tolerated. No help for your problem will be found here.
im no pirate im just trying to find out how i can run the programs this site suggested. If i cant post it here can someone help me another way? I dont want to be banned i only asked here because the site has helped me in the past.
You can goto and try out their programs for 21 days for free to see if like them( they make Anydvd and CloneDVD and CloneCD)