Dvd cloner 4.2

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by Danny289, Jun 25, 2007.

  1. Danny289

    Danny289 Member

    Oct 9, 2005
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    I recently purchased dvd cloner 4.2 and I don't have anything but problems with the program. It will copy anything but it dosn't play to well. The movie will be jerky, or the sound won't move with their mouths. Does anyone have any sugestions on this matter.
  2. elizerroj

    elizerroj Regular member

    Jan 9, 2005
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    too bad, i don't think you'll get your money back. that program is one of the greatest pieces of crap ever, i have had it seen version2. here are a few suggestions.
    1- fabDecrypter(free) to copy your movie, uncompressed, to your hard drive/ shrink(free) to compress(make sure shrink is set to output ISO file so you can burn it with another great freebie)/ IMGBurn(free)to burn.
    2- spend some more money and get clonedvd and anydvd, you will need nothing else.
    PS: shrink is old and slower but, the picture quality it produces is better than most.
  3. cherry3

    cherry3 Guest

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  4. cherry3

    cherry3 Guest

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