hELLO.. I absolutely love this site.. and after using the trail version of DVD FAB Platium it cancelled my servces.. I have reinstalled it and tried installing it and now it is telling me I have to purchase it.. I thought this was a free program??? thank you for your help and expertise... !
DVDFab Decrypter is the free version of this. Find it here: http://www.dvdidle.com/free. This program will only allow you to rip a movie to your HDD....you will need another program to burn to a blank DVD.
All of the DVD FaB products are for sale except DVD Fab Decrypter. The ones for sale like DVD Fab Platinum have a free trial period and after the trial is over you must purchase it to continue using it. The free one is here: http://www.dvdidle.com/free.htm
It sounds like you installed the Platinum version (not free), if you want the free version (just as good, but not as feature rich) try DVDFab decrypter, the link is provided below. Note: uninstall the platinum version before installing the free one.
as quoted by Johnl123 Why? I have both DVDFab Platinum and DVDFab Decrypter? why do you have to uninstall Platinum before installing the free version? Both work fine on my computer..... just wanted to know!